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Paradoxx Athena/Break away (CD)


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inkl. 19 % MwSt.


Lieferzeit: 2-3 Werktage

Kostenloser Versand ab 80€*

Formed in February 2021 amidst the pandemic, PARADOXX enters the girls‘ HR/HM scene with powerful vocals and twin guitars. Their CD features „Athena,“ a catchy tune with hard rhythms, and „Break away,“ a blend of fierce and melodious sounds highlighted by guitar harmonies. Includes both tracks and their instrumental versions, captivating listeners with their dynamic range.

Zusätzliche Produktinformationen

1. Athena
2. Break away
3. Athena(Instrumental)
4. Break away(Instrumental)

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* Kostenloser Versand innerhalb von Deutschland ab einem Einkaufswert von 80 Euro.
